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Medical emergency (Catalonia) 112 / 061

Teléfono de la esperanza (Catalonia)  934 144 848

Health Care Centres in Catalonia

Associations and other organizations

ACPS: Associació Catalana per a la Prevenció del Suïcidi

Nonprofit association that supports people that is related (in any way) to death by suicide.

Después del suicidio - Asociación de supervivientes (DSAS)

Association of people, who have suffered the death of a close person by suicide, that gives emotional support during the grieving process.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

American leading foundation in suicide prevention. It funds research, offers educational programs, advocates for public policies and gives support to affected people.

SOM 360 Project

From the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, it is a digital platform for raising awareness and empowering the population with regard to their own health and emotional wellbeing.